OK, maybe it's not that simple but if nothing else it might make a conversation starter. The Global Oneness Project has started a student photography contest to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of Earth Day. Deadline June 1.

Details from the site:
Inspired by our film Earthrise by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, we challenge and encourage teens to enter a student photography contest to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of Earth Day. The Earthrise photograph was an impetus behind the environmental movement and the founding of Earth Day, which was created 50 years ago on April 22, 1970.
The Earthrise photograph had an everlasting impact on the astronauts and humanity, offering a powerful perspective that transcended national, political, and religious boundaries. It helped humanity to see our Earth as one ecosystem and has become one of the most iconic and widely reproduced and distributed images in history. How does the Earthrise photograph challenge us to consider our relationship to the Earth and provide a context for what it means to be a global citizen? How does the Earthrise photograph reflect the shared fate of humanity on the earth today?
We are all sheltering in place as we experience the coronavirus pandemic taking place around the world. How might we consider this moment in time and history? How might we reimagine and redefine the meaning of home?