The granddaddy of homeschooling helpers is still at it online.
From the editors:

Life’s difficulties, as unwelcome as they are, often offer us a gift. In the time of COVID-19, the gift may be the opportunity to refocus on the things that truly matter in life. Topping that list, of course, is family—and that includes our family members with fur, fins, or feathers. Welcome to Highlights@Home—and to this collection of family-themed resources titled We Are (All) Family. Whatever your family configuration—two parents or one, extended family, one child or many, one pet or a houseful—you’ll find here plenty of ideas that will engage your children in “Fun with a Purpose” and strengthen the family bond. The gift of these uncertain times—when we’ve been forced to dial down the daily busy-ness of our lives and rethink our priorities—is time. Time to reflect on our families and what they mean to us.